Gary & Stacey Quimby

Founders of RVing to Alaska

We are Gary and Stacey Quimby of RVing to Alaska and Living Free Alaska. We are part time RVers originally from Eastern Washington who decided to follow our hearts and move to Alaska in 2021 to become full time Alaska residents after several years of traveling up as a visitor. We’ve traveled around North America with our two pups Spirit and Sofi in our 38ft Fleetwood Discovery Class A motorhome, whom we affectionally call The Disco. With over 45,000 miles under the Disco’s tires, traveling from Alaska to Key West and back, we have compiled a huge assortment of information along the way to share with our followers.

After starting our first travel related YouTube channel back in 2016, now rebranded as RVing to Alaska, we reflected where our knowledge would be best for our viewers and we noticed that not many content creators really dived deep into the subject of RVing to Alaska. More specifically, many big name YouTubers have gone before or after us and have documented their time in the land of the midnight sun but most if not all just showed the good of it and didn’t address most concerns of the average rver. Lastly most have not been back for another round of the magical spell that Alaska puts on her visitors. We knew we would be a perfect fit for the task at hand.

With Alaska being near and dear to Stacey’s heart from spending numerous summers aboard her grandparents boat in SE Alaska during her childhood we knew this would be a great genre to focus our attention on. With this decision we set out to document everything from our adventures to Alaska. In 2017 we recorded every drive day, saved every gas receipt, reviewed every campsite and filmed every adventure we participated in so we could help bring that information to others who wanted to follow in our footsteps. During this time we also started a small Facebook group to find other RVer’s making the journey along with us. Thru this small online group we were able to pass information to each other in real time of where we were, what road conditions were like, and what to do along the way. It was an invaluable resource. What really started as something small and honestly just for our own pure benefit has turned into one of the largest online communities found online on the RVing to Alaska subject.

Each year more and more travelers find our “RVing to Alaska – The Original” Facebook group page and use it to prepare for their own journey to the final frontier where they share information as they travel to Alaska and meet other like-mind travelers along the way. Many friendships have formed thru this online Community and each year it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. We couldn’t be more proud. Combined with our Facebook business page, individual travel year group pages from the past (2017 thru 2022) and over 200+ videos on our YouTube Channel focusing on the RV lifestyle and more specifically on RVing to Alaska, we have now become one of the leading sources on the RVing to Alaska subject. And best of it all… we do this all for free. We do not charge for our services, we do not make you sign up as Patrons or pay for special memberships to gain access to the knowledge we share. We do this because we believe sharing is caring and all of us here at RVing to Alaska want to make sure that your adventure to Alaska is the best one possible. The journey will be expensive enough and we don’t need to add to that other than the wealth of information we can help provide. 

What Our RVing to Alaska Members Say

A great group to get tips and info for the trip! The group is maintained very well with very little advertising. I wish I had a group like this for my first trip to Alaska!

Todd Penney – Fort Nelson, BC City Councillor 

Great people, great information. Helpful and knowledgeable for most anything related to Alaska!

Carol Kellogg – Community Member

Thank you for your guidance and coordinating a great community for an amazing experience on the way and from and in Alaska.

Marie-Josee Vinet – Community Member

It was an epic summer!! Thank you so much! I’ll be lurking in the groups as we plan an extended stay for 2022, 5 weeks was not nearly enough!

Brie Miller – Community Member

Our Awesome Team of Volunteers

Cat Highley

Senior Moderator


Candy McMahon

Senior Moderator


Madison Pruet

Senior Moderator


Hilary Snitker 



Amanda White



Shelley D Reavis



Mark Devereaux

Photography Contributor


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