It is the ultimate goal of RVing to Alaska LLC to be fair and truthful to our viewers, readers, and partners. We will always be honest and objective when reviewing any product. We have created the following policy to ensure we keep the trust of our viewers and readers at all times and to ensure we remain objective for every review.

  1. We will not review any product unless it is a good fit for our channel and/or blog and something that we can use and fully test to our satisfaction. We will not review items we can not use ourselves.
  2. We prefer to pay for the items we review. However, if we do receive a review product for free, the receipt of said product in no way guarantees or influences a positive review. We will always maintain a strict policy of objectivity, which includes identifying any flaws or weaknesses as well as strengths of every product reviewed.
  3. If flaws or weaknesses are found with a product, we will provide feedback to the product provider in an attempt to correct any problems or misuse on our part.
  4. If the flaws cannot be corrected, we will return the item (when feasible). While we will not likely produce any dedicated content on the item, we do retain the right to speak to those flaws if we feel it is a safety concern or will directly benefit our audience to know about said flaws.
  5. Any sponsored videos or articles published by us will be noted as such at the beginning of the video or article and in a written description of the video or blog.
  6. We will continue to use and review the product over its lifetime and the product may appear in future videos and articles as a follow-up review. This ensures our viewers and readers are getting a true review of all products over time.

RVing to Alaska LLC appreciates the opportunity to work with manufacturers and companies in an effort to inform our audience honestly and objectively about the amazing products that are available.Our number one priority is our audience and maintaining their trust.