Meet Madison Pruet: RV Enthusiast and RV2AK Community Storyteller

Welcome to Madison’s Musings, a special feature on RVing to Alaska! Madison Pruet, one of our esteemed Senior Moderators (a title that has nothing to do with his age but rather his expertise he brings to our community), brings a wealth of knowledge, humor, and travel wisdom to our community.

A former musician turned software engineer, Madison discovered the joy of RVing after retirement and hasn’t looked back since. From his first Class-A diesel pusher to his current 2025 Wayfarer Van, he has traversed the roads to Alaska multiple times, sharing his adventures and insights along the way.

Known for his travel posts under the pseudonym “Alcan Pruet,” Madison’s journey logs are packed with stunning photos, thoughtful commentary, and practical tips for RV travelers. When he’s not exploring the north, he splits his time between his home in Texas and a serene condo in the Colorado mountains, and he also enjoys playing the piano—sometimes even bringing a portable keyboard on the road.

Whether you’re a seasoned RVer or dreaming of your first trip to Alaska, Madison’s musings are sure to inspire, inform, and entertain. Dive into his musings and follow along for a fresh dose of travel wisdom each week!




Our Top Ten List of Items that will make your trip to the Last Frontier that much more enjoyable.

1.  The Milepost Magazine– $44.95 from Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

The #1 thing we recommend for your travels to Alaska is the Milepost Magazine. This guide will be a valuable resource for not only the driver but endless hours of entertainment for the navigator and any passengers along for the ride.

Described as the “quintessential reference” for Alaska travelers, The MILEPOST® offers mile-by-mile descriptions of more than 15,000 miles of road in Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia and Alberta. It’s 700-plus pages detail accommodations, camping, sightseeing, attractions and services, as well as fascinating facts on the history and wildlife of the North. Trip planning help and answers to frequently asked questions are addressed in the Travel Planning section, with features on crossing the border, traveling with pets, the Alaska ferry system, driving conditions, railroads, tours and wildlife. Suggested itineraries are mapped out to help travelers plan their trips.

The MILEPOST® was first published in 1949 as a 72-page guide to the recently opened Alaska (“Alcan”) Highway. A history of the Alaska Highway is included in The MILEPOST. The MILEPOST® has more than 100 city and road maps; the wildly popular pull-out Plan-A-Trip Map; more than 600 photos; and free access to a digital edition for print book buyers. Pre-order the 2025 edition (shipping in March) here: Amazon at


2. Traveler’s Guide to Alaskan Camping– $22.54 from Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

We didn’t know about this book until we were in Alaska but many of our friends had a copy onboard and said it was great information to use to preplan their next stops. The latest edition was published in 2020 and you can find it on Amazon at:

Here is the description from Amazon:
For RV and outdoor enthusiasts camping in Alaska is the experience of a lifetime. Miles and miles of virtually empty roads thread through towering snowcapped mountains, crystal blue glaciers, and colorful wildflowers. Away from the road there’s even more–true wilderness just a short boat or airplane ride from civilization. Traveler’s Guide to Alaskan Camping gives you the information you need to experience Alaska’s outdoors. The book features almost 500 campgrounds throughout Alaska and also along the roads north in the Yukon Territory and Northern British Columbia with full campground descriptions, addresses, website addresses and maps showing exact locations, complete coverage of the routes north, including the Alaska Highway, the Cassiar Highway, the Klondike Loop, and the Alaska Marine Highway, RV rental information for renting a camping rig in either Alaska or Canada, and much more.


3. A Good Pair of Binoculars

Bears, eagles, caribou… you will see them all but not always as close as you want.  Having a good pair of binoculars is something that can be overlooked and forgotten.We have onboard the Leupold Acadia Bx-2  8x42mm binoculars that can reach out and see the wildlife at a safe comfortable distance. Although a bit pricey it was well worth it while in Alaska. We always tried to remember to take them on our truck hikes as well because you never know when you will spot the wildlife. Especially on tours. I cant count the times I gave up my binoculars so some one else could enjoy too. Find on Amazon at:




4. A Good Point and Shoot Camera

A good camera is always great to have when your traveling anywhere.  The Panasonic Lumix FZ80D is know for its light-weight portability.  If you cant afford or want to learn a big DSL camera this little point and shoot will get the job done.  Find on Amazon at:


5. Bear Spraycarrying pouch and Bear Bells

Now remember this is bear country and whenever recreating you should be prepared for an unexpected encounter. We always carried our bear spray with us but it was always a hassle. I didn’t know about these bear spray carriers until our return but will be buying a pair for upcoming trip back in 2019. These can conveniently hold a can of bear spray as well as your cellphone.  Perfect for hikes in the outdoors. I cant tell you how many times I accidentally dropped my bear spray and this would have eliminated this problem from the start. The GRIZ Scat Belt can be found in several different colors starting at $34.95 and can be found on their website at Be sure to enter our COUPON CODE: “RV15” for 15% off your purchase!

And if you plan to spend any time in the woods bear spray is highly recommended.  Keep in mind if traveling through Canada the bear spray must say “for wildlife protection”. Pepper Spray is illegal in Canada and anything that says to defend against humans is not allowed. Frontiersman Bear Arrack Deterrent is the strongest formula allowed by law (EPA Requires range of 1.0-2.0% Major Capsaicinoids), Frontiersman bear spray, made with 2.0% Major Capsaicinoids, is backed by our industry exclusive in-house HPLC lab, guaranteeing maximum strength in each canister. E.P.A. and Health Canada approved, their environmentally friendly bear spray is field-tested and proven effective against all types of bears by the Elmendorf Air Force Base and Brown Bear Resources. With a 35-foot (11-meter) spray range reaching up to 10-feet further than the competition, Frontiersman Bear Spray gives you more time to react to a bear charging up to 35 mph & provide safer protection with a greater protective barrier per burst (up to 84% more than competitors) SABRE Frontiersman Bear Spray 9.2 oz is one brand we recommend when buying online and it can be found on Amazon for $40.06 at:


Finally the easiest of the three to carry is Bear Bells.  Now some say you are just calling the bear’s in for a meal but I would rather them hear me coming down the trail than startle them, which is when they are more likely to attack.  We found these bear bells with a magnetic silencer at a local store in Tok and let me just say they are way cheaper if you buy in advance ($8.79 on Amazon) than in the bush. To find on Amazon click here:


6. Garmin DriveSmart 71 EX with Traffic, 7-inch Car GPS Navigator with Bright, Crisp High-resolution Maps and Garmin Voice Assist  – $249.95 on Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

This has been a lifesaver for us when in areas of no cellular signal. Our Garmin GPS Navigation system sits on our dash and has directed us when our coach navigation drew a blank… even on the backroads of the Northwest and Yukon Territories of Canada.  Find it here on Amazon:

For drivers who love new adventures while traveling, the Garmin DriveSmart 71 EX GPS navigator is the ultimate road trip companion. Featuring simple menus and easy-to-read maps, Garmin DriveSmart 71 EX lets you view turn-by-turn directions at a glance on a bright 6.95″ edge-to-edge touchscreen display. Traffic and map updates are included along with helpful driver alerts to encourage safer driving. Built-in Wi-Fi connectivity for map and software updates without a computer. Free lifetime map updates included; preloaded street maps for North America with coverage of the U.S., Mexico, Canada.


7.  Thermacell Patio Shield Mosquito Repeller– $22.97 on Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

Afraid of the Alaskan State bird the mosquito?  Be afraid no longer with the Thermacell Patio Shield. This little bug repellent lantern worked like a charm when the wind was low and the bugs were flying. Amazon link:

  • Scent-free and DEET-free
  • Repellent provides 15-foot mosquito protection zone
  • The lantern that also repels mosquitoes. Turn it on… Mosquitoes Gone!
  • Decorative bronze lantern provides ambient lighting powered by LEDs. Lantern and Repellent operate independently.
  • Same proven Thermacell technology, in a decorative for design for patios, decks, and more
  • No messy sprays or lotions. No open flame, no smoky candles
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all Thermacell products

    Other Thermacell products we have purchased include a Thermacell Refill Kit including extra mats and fuel cartridges $19.99 on Amazon.


    8. Windshield Repair Kits– $17.32 on Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

    We always make sure we have at least 2 RainX Windshield Kits onboard while traveling for that inevitable rock chip to the front glass. Although we never took a chip to the motorhome we did in our toad and the kits helped us keep the chips from spreading. Not only is this item good for Alaskan roads but any roads as rock chips happen. Find on Amazon at



    9. Rugged Tire Plug Kit– $29.53 on Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

    Everyone hears how bad the Alaskan roads can be and a flat tire is always a possibility.  We tried to lessen our worries by purchasing this Rugged Ridge Tire Plug Kit to self-patch a tire if necessary to be able to limp in to a service center instead of being stranded on the side of the road.  Even though we never had a tire issue where a patch was necessary we did get a chance to plug up a fellow traveler’s tire on the Dalton Highway at the Arctic Circle. (We saved him several hundred of dollars on a service call by having our plug kit with us. We recommend to carry not only in your RV but your tow vehicle as well.) Find on Amazon at:


    10. Air Tight Pet Food Container– $40.09 on Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

    Newman and Sofi wanted to chime in on an item that pertains to all their little pet friends… an air tight pet food container to store their food in that wont attract bears to your campsite.  Yes the threat is real even in the RV Parks. If you store your bag of dog or cat food in your bay compartments you may want to think about a container that wont attract wild predators.  We found this Vittles Vault at a local PetSmart and it fit a 35lb bag of dog food nicely under our coach but you can have it shipped to your door thru Amazon at



    Honorable Mentions…

    11. weBoost Drive X- Portable Cell Phone Signal Booster – $376 from Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

    While RVing you will sometimes find your cell signal is too weak to pull in enough signal to make a call or check your email.  We solved this problem by installing the weBoost Cell Phone Booster in our rig to help amplify our cell signal. As long as there is some sort of signal the weBoost will boost your signal to a usable level to at the minimum make a call or get out a text.  It has been a game changer with our off the beaten path travels. Find it on Amazon at



    12.Handheld Walkie Talkies– $89.95 from Amazon at time of publishing. Prices subject to change.

    If you will be traveling with friends at all on your journey a good pair of walkie talkies are highly recommended. We used these often in Alaska especially when traveling with our friends Mike and Bobbie. Splashproof (IPX4) walkie talkie with up to 38-mile range. Built with a strong shell and drop-proof design so your radio can withstand harsh conditions. The waterproof design allows clear communication in rain or shine.


    Most of the links on this site are affiliate links, which means if you chose to make a purchase using our links, we will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you but helps us keep providing the content we love to share. We recommend these products because we have found them to be helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we make. Every product we recommend, we use ourselves.