
We’re Moving to Alaska and bringing you along for the ride. 

In this series of videos we share with you the process of moving to Alaska aboard the M/V Kennicott on the Alaska Marine Highway from Bellingham Washington to Whittier Alaska. This is just one step of the moving experience to get all of our belongings from Washington State to our new home in Houston, Alaska.

Sailing the big blue canoe with us North to Alaska!

In this episode we explain the check in process of the Alaska Marine Highway (Alaska State Ferry) and give a tour of our 4-berth stateroom. This will be our home for five days as we travel to Whittier from Bellingham for one part of our move to Alaska.


First full day aboard the Kennicott!

In this week’s episode we share what its like living aboard the Alaska Ferry the M/V Kennicott during our first full day at sea! We explore the Cafe, hang out in the forward lounge and take in the incredible beauty that the Inside Passage of British Columbia on an awesome April day.


We’ve arrived in Ketchican on day 3 of our journey!

In this episode we arrive in Alaska at our first port of call… Ketchikan on our third day aboard the Kennicott. Join us as we continue to tour the ferry where we visit the tent deck, the solarium, as well as the two aft lounges where one can sleep for free if you don’t get a stateroom.


Juneau, the State Capital but can’t go ashore due to Covid restrictions.

In this episode it is day 4 aboard the Kennicott and we arrive in Juneau, the capitol of the 49th State. We take advantage of the smooth sailing as we know later today we will enter the Gulf of Alaska and encounter the biggest waves yet on this 2100 mile adventure to Whittier, Alaska.


The most extreme Gulf crossing ever!

It’s our final day at sea aboard the Alaska ferry vessel the Kennicott as we work our way from Juneau to Whittier Alaska. Along the way we stop in at Yakutat and see a unique elevator feature of the ferry in work to get cars on and off the ship and onto land. Then you wont believe the weather we had while crossing the Gulf of Alaska. We had some of the most epic weather ever! Ride along with us here all the way to Whittier and our new home in Houston, Alaska. (Season 5 – Episode 5)

#movingtoalaska #alaskamarinehighway #alaskaferry